.LY of course! - Jingling .LY domains in marketing
References 41 - 60 for LibyanSpider's shared bookmarks: ly
[41] Lief.ly - critically held; loving she whom holds. by Alex Blanchardlief.ly
[42] SCVNGRscvngr.com
[43] Coming Soon | Static.lystatic.ly
[44] Geek Cantina - Super Geek Store. Shop for Geek Toys, Geek Shirts, Geek...geeki.ly
[45] Coming Soon - Future home of something quite coolflow.ly
[46] Welcome to adore.lyadore.ly
[47] Gadflygadf.ly
[48] www.netlog.lynetlog.ly
[49] Holly Golight.lygolight.ly
[50] digit.lydigit.ly
[51] SocialApp.ly - Thinking inside the boxsocialapp.ly
[52] DjangoWeeklydjangoweek.ly
[53] Peekly make connected devices smartpeek.ly
[54] GiftSimply: It's really that simple.giftsimp.ly
[55] Slantwise · Design & Development – Web Design, Ruby on Rails...indubitab.ly
[56] Need Weed? Theres a map for that | Medical Marijuana Locatorherb.ly
[57] Suggest.lysuggest.ly
[58] Weather - local current forecast | pakistan.lyweather.pakistan.ly
[59] schedule.ly - Schedule the Perfect Appointmentschedule.ly
[60] visu|lyvisu.ly