FEMEN / ФЕМЕН - Came. Stripped. Conquered. / Прийшла. Розділась. Перемогла.
References 1 - 10 for Topless women protest the Catholic Church's misogyny under Pope's balcony
[1] Referencegoddiscussion.com
[2] Topless women from the Ukrainkyivpost.com
[3] Ilona Staller, age 59rt.com
[4] Femenlivejournal.com
[5] Libre! Libre…rferl.org
[6] Catholic archbishop warns youth that mainstream media is not reliable...goddiscussion.com
[7] Catholic and Protestant Violence Erupts in Northern Irelandgoddiscussion.com
[8] Catholic Church Making Renewed Efforts to Encourage Its Followers Not To...goddiscussion.com
[9] Quebec’s Cardinal Ouellet Appointed to Powerful Positiongoddiscussion.com
[10] Cafferty on Vatican Child Molestationgoddiscussion.com